For a photographer it is the biggest compliment in the world when a client comes back to you and says they want more of what you did before. I produced some images for Waterpik and Sterling Rice Group a couple of years ago of a woman beneath a working shower head. For me these jobs represented what I loved best about my job, creative problem solving. We had to shoot a woman in the shower, easy right? Not quite. We had to have the standard casting to find the right model. Then we had to figure out a way to have unlimited hot water so we could be as efficient as possible with the client, talent and crew's time. This was solved by installing a tankless hot water heater. After some testing we concluded we needed to have the ability to boost the pressure of the water in the line in order to achieve the best looking spray. This was solved with an inline water pump that was purchased through an aircraft parts distributor. With the use of a several hundred gallon livestock pool, PEX tubing, plastic tarps and a lot of towels we were able to create a working shower in the middle of our studio.
One more shot I did for INV/ALT. This cupcake shot did not get used for obvious reasons. I just thought that a fly landing on set in the absolute perfect spot was too good to pass up.
Over the past year or so I have been fortunate to work with a talented local designer by the name of Angela Schwab. She runs a studio in Denver called INV/ALT, that produces some really cool stuff. The magnetic cups are possibly my favorite.
Last year I got the opportunity to work with some great people at The Integer Group and produce these ads for Volunteers of America. The billboards started appearing in and around Denver last summer. It was a nice feeling to see them up and know that I had been a part of something good. Each ad tells the story of a person that VOA helps.
Hopefully, because you are a friend and are interested in finding out what I have been up to. I decided to start this blog in 2006 after realizing I had not shown my portfolio in well over a year. The combination of fatherhood and a growing business has left me little time to keep in touch with my friends. I hope that this serves as a good way to stay connected and show off a few projects that I have been proud to be a part of.