Was asked to help out with some images for a pitch that Pure was doing for Stetson. With Jerry and Eric's help we were able to pull together a shoot in record time. I think we got some really nice shots and this is one of my favorites. Congratulations again to Pure on picking up the account.
Shot local designer Lauren Chlebowski with Ollie Sang a few months ago for a story in 5280 magazine. Lauren was a very cool person and I had a great time meeting her but the amazing thing about these images is how they were shot. I was testing out the new Nikon slr and was absolutely amazed at its ability to shoot at high ISO. I set my ISO at 1600 and used one strobe at very low power as an accent. If you know me this is not my typical approach and I was a bit leery at first. While there is a loss of quality it is like what film used to be, a slight softening and grain. I liked it so much I went out and bought one. It gives me an entirely new way of looking at things.
We shot this ad back in January for Bellco Credit Union. I had the pleasure of working with a great crew from Juice. The ad was supposed to be shot in December just before the holidays but the photographer came down with some random virus and had to postpone. It was great having so much prep time for this shoot especially when I realized how difficult it was going to be to gather St Pats props in December. Most common response was,"You want what? It's Christmas time man." Everything worked out well and I really like the ad.
Hopefully, because you are a friend and are interested in finding out what I have been up to. I decided to start this blog in 2006 after realizing I had not shown my portfolio in well over a year. The combination of fatherhood and a growing business has left me little time to keep in touch with my friends. I hope that this serves as a good way to stay connected and show off a few projects that I have been proud to be a part of.