We produced a two day shoot for Miller Lite and Integer a couple of weeks ago and it could not have gone smoother, thanks to an awesome cast and crew of approximately thirty people. Day one was the largest in scale of the two shots. We had three vehicles, five principal talent, seven or so extras, a whole bunch of props and some food on the grills. My crew hung and rigged fourteen strobe heads, several silks and over 700 square feet of background. The only place in town that could possibly accommodate our needs was Stage 1 over at LSI. Our set was pretty large but it only took up about half of the available 16000 square feet, left us plenty of room for a little football. Now I like it when the room is cold enough to hang meat but fifty five degrees was a little too cold for our clients that flew in from Texas. We did our best to make everyone comfortable but little space heaters did not do much in that size of space, sorry guys. I think we made up for it on day two though. It was an absolute pleasure to work with such a fantastic team of professionals. So, many thanks to everyone involved in this production.