I finally am someone thanks to the fantastic efforts of Jay Roth and James Pelz. This duo took on the task of coming up with a new business card for David Pahl Photography. It was almost a year ago that we started talking about it and I finally got these printed just before Christmas. We printed four different backs that each have their own little story. This was all Jay's doing. I told him I wanted a card with copy on it and I like humor. So he came up with a take off on Mad-Libs and gave them a little David Pahl style. James pushed the idea even further coming up with a beautiful design that was very graphic and clean as well as a kick ass new logo. No longer do I have to hang my head low when I meet someone and they say do you have a business card. I can proudly hand them this Cadillac of a card. In all fairness the slow progress of the card was completely due to my indecision and when I consider that I did not have a card for nearly six years ten months was pretty quick. I owe Jay and James a great deal. So thanks guys! Big thanks to Rob a Foils and Dies for the fantastic print job!
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